Monday, November 23, 2009

Storage Solution!

If you've ever seen my office, you know it's quite full of the things I use to do my job. We're also blessed to receive so many donations throughout the year from our community, like last year when an Eagle Scout completed a toy drive that earned us 52 brown grocery bags full of new toys! With such large donations we're able to have a stock of 'the goods' to re-stock the playroom, and replace broken and worn out toys throughout the year. The small problem is that this hospital grew into it's space MUCH faster than was anticipated, so I'm only allotted the space in my office and I have to store all Child Life Department belongings in my office. It's become a running joke that anytime there's available furniture in the hospital I find a way to use it in my office to store more toys...and today I collected a new storage piece!
When our new locking craft cabinet arrived for the playroom we had to rid the space of a nice brown bookshelf to make room...of course it was prime storage in my eyes, so it's now been hauled to my office where I've already displayed my literature, cleaning supplies, and medical play tools. Call me a nerd, but I love organizing & re-decorating spaces, so this was such a fun day at work! Pictures coming soon of the new craft cabinet in the playroom!

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