Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Mouse in the House!

Tonight as I was coming home I noticed something scurry across the garage floor. When I went to investigate here's what I found:

Yep, a teeny tiny field mouse!! I think she was super cute, but I knew it was not a wise idea to allow her to continue living in my personal space, so I slid this glass over her until my roommate got home to help me 'relocate her' to a place far far from my home. We ended up taking her to the sewer down the street, but not before taking a picture to document the short amount of time we spent as housemates.

Goodbye mousey, hope you had a good swim in the sewer...feel free to spread the word to your friends that Terminix will be here in the morning to place traps with tasty food to catch you!

1 comment:

the G Rowes said...

AHHH, you are brave!